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文章出处:www.rongkaijx.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:2030 发表时间:2016-04-05 12:56:53
lift oil vane pump is formed by a certain pressure, the oil filter, explosion-proof solenoid valve, throttle valve, check valve, balance valve into the lower end of the cylinder, so that the hydraulic cylinder piston upward sports, lifting weights, upper cylinder oil return by flameproof solenoid valve to the tank, which is adjusted by the rated pressure relief valve hydraulic lift, by observing the pressure gauge pressure gauge readings.

 lift cylinder piston downward movement of the hydraulic oil by explosion-proof solenoid valve into the upper end of the hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic cylinder through the lower back to the oil balance valve, check valve, throttle, explosion-proof solenoid valve back to the tank. Fixed lift heavy objects fall to make a smooth, safe and reliable braking, set the balancing valve, balancing loop back to the oil on the road, keep up the pressure, so that the rate of decline from the weight change, the throttle valve regulates the flow, speed control movements. In order to secure the brake to prevent accidents and increase check valve, namely hydraulic lock, ensure that when an unexpected burst hydraulic lines can safely self-locking. Installed voice alarm overload, overload or equipment failure to distinguish.

