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当前位置:首页 » 固定升降机怎么防止噪音的产生?


文章出处:www.rongkaijx.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:1727 发表时间:2017-02-03 16:29:40

固定升降机液压油不足时,液压泵会产生吸空现象,导致空气进入液压油中,也会产生噪音。液压油中有其他杂质的时候也会有噪音的情况产生。When the hydraulic oil is insufficient, the hydraulic pump will suck the air, which will cause the air to enter the hydraulic oil. Hydraulic oil in the presence of other impurities, there will be noise generated.

当固定升降机出现噪音的情况时,首先更换液压油的时候,有时候比较差的液压油也会导致噪音,所以在选用液压油的时候也需要注意,尽可能购买质量较好的液压油。When the noise when the elevator is fixed, when the replacement of hydraulic oil, hydraulic oil, sometimes relatively poor can also cause noise, so in the selection of hydraulic oil also need to pay attention to, as far as possible to buy good quality hydraulic oil.

为了防止在使用和操作的过程中,减少和预防固定升降机出现故障,应该不定期的对升降机进行保养和维修,不定期的检查升降机的零件,检查升降机零部件是否有磨损的现象,这样才能更好的保证升降机的使用和延长升降机的使用寿命。In order to prevent the use and operation of the process, reduce and prevent fixed elevator failure, should not carry out regular maintenance and repair of the elevator, irregular inspection elevator parts, check whether the elevator parts wear phenomenon, so as to better ensure the use of lifts and prolong the service life of the elevator.
