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文章出处:www.rongkaijx.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:1923 发表时间:2016-06-23 09:08:59

Will be in the aluminum alloy elevator engine idle speed and idle speed instability of pops the sound, and with the engine speed increased and aggravated, but in stable engine speed operation, for two chip lifting platform clutch may is the active disk drive convex block and transmission groove or a drive pin and the pin hole wear Songkuang, in aluminum alloy lift the clutch or the engine idle speed instability, week of the driving disc to swing and abnormal sound; for monolithic lifting platform clutch, pressure plate and the lifting table clutch cover with looseness caused by. 

Open aluminum alloy elevator clutch shell view port cover or bottom cover, aluminum lift the clutch pedal foot in the end, by spin with toggle between active plate and pressure plate are examined. If the radial clearance is too large,that with Songkuang, should be replaced. If the aluminum alloy elevator clutch does not separate from the incomplete or slipping phenomenon, can continue to use. 
